Sometimes sex is about more than sex One of my favorite songs to belt out in Karaoke is Radiohead's "Creep." It is a song I reserve for moments when I feel low because singing sad songs when I'm sad seems to make some of the angst dissipate. The song came to mind when I was thinking about writing this blog post about what sex means to men. There are many misconceptions about what sex means for men. One of the biggest ones is that men seek sex primarily to satisfy their own physical pleasure. Therefore, when men are rebuffed, it can't really hurt that much because they have just missed out on physical pleasure. Nope. I have found this to be a harmful misconception because it minimizes the importance of sex for men's identity and self-esteem. Look at the lyrics to "Creep" to illustrate in song what I have found that men can actually gain in a loving sexual encounter with their partner - identity, acceptance, self-worth...
I am a psychotherapist in Houston, TX. This blog is a chronicle of the journey undertaken and lessons learned by my clients to find their joy. I hope you will walk this journey with me and find ways that you too can be happier and healthier -- starting today!