Guest Blog Post by Sarah Bradshaw ------------------------- For many women, trying to get pregnant is difficult, stressful, and painful Have you heard this story: woman meets someone, they fall in love, commit to one another, and then along comes a baby (or two or three)? Simple, right? For many women, having a baby is anything but simple. It can, in fact, be a difficult, stressful and potentially painful --both emotionally and physically--experience . Sometimes, the above stor y goes like this: woman meets someone, they fall in love , commit to one another, and then--nothing, absolutely nothing. The woman goes to see her do ctor to see if something is wrong . Sometimes , there's nothing wrong . The doctor says it’s just going to take more time (insert frown or angry face here) . S ometimes they get referred to a specialist. The referral is the start of a very bumpy and emotional ride. I know be cau se I have been there, and I know many other women who ha...
Are you feeling down? Making a life list can boost your mood and inspire you. Some people refer to life lists as bucket lists, but that always sounded kind of morbid to me. I am not trying to do all the things before I kick the bucket. I am trying to enjoy and make the most of my life all along the way. I have had a short list of things that are on my life list that I file in the back of my mind. A lot of them are big-ticket items like taking my family on safari one day (this has been a dream of mine for a long time). We don't have a lot of options I don't think about my life list all the time or anything. Frankly, in the middle of quarantine, life seems to be on hold. Not only am I am not doing any of the things on my life list right now, but we even had to cancel one of the things on my list that had been planned for this summer. It's frustrating and discouraging and makes me feel stuck. It's hard to get excited about our lives when we don't ...