Criticism leads to shame. Self-compassion leads to action. This year, instead of making a resolution that I won't keep, I am resolving to focus on being more compassionate to myself. Sounds hokey, I know. "What does that even mean?" you may be asking. Self-compassion is largely about treating yourself with the same compassion you would treat others you care about even when you fail. So, for example, instead of berating myself for parts of my body that I don't like, I can acknowledge that I work hard and use my body well and that I am a work in progress. It's okay if parts of me are not what I want them to be at all times. That compassionate attitude towards myself allows me to work on what I want to change without shaming me. Shame, after all, just leads to inaction and poorer self-esteem. "Suffering, failure, and imperfection is part of the shared human experience." --Dr. Kristin Neff Kristin Neff is a researcher and professor who ...
I am a psychotherapist in Houston, TX. This blog is a chronicle of the journey undertaken and lessons learned by my clients to find their joy. I hope you will walk this journey with me and find ways that you too can be happier and healthier -- starting today!